CMYK colors

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The CMYK color scheme is a set of four basic printing inks (colors) that are commonly used in printing. A set of these colors may also be called process colors or triad colors. The abbreviation CMYK was created as a combination of the first letters of the names of colors in English. The final letter K means either the last letter of the word black (black) – the last one, due to the fact that the letter B is an abbreviation of the primary color in the analogous abbreviation RGB, or it comes from the abbreviation key color. CMYK consists of 4 colors:
- Cyan (C) – a shade of blue, although slightly paler and more faded. The most similar colors are blue, sapphire and turquoise.
- Magenta (M) – is the color obtained as a result of mixing red and blue. The most similar colors are fuchsia, crimson and amaranth.
- Yellow (Y) – as the name suggests, a color very similar to yellow, but slightly paler than saturated yellow.
- Black (K) – it is black, but it is not very deep black.
The paints of the above-mentioned colors are not clearly defined, so the shades may slightly differ between different manufacturers, especially if they are in other regions of the world.
RGB colors
(computer colors)

kolorystyka RGB
CMYK colors
(printing colors)

kolorystyka CMYK
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